Pocket Insurance... More than just protection!
Your pocket.
It’s more than just a fabric container for your most valued pens.  It’s an important part of your style, and your productivity.  You need access to your pens in the middle of an experiment, or when signing shipping documents.  At TechChoiceTM Pocket Insurance, we understand why you need your pens with you at all times.  But, we also understand the unique risks and dangers incurred by those with a pocket full of pens.
Traditional protection isn’t enough.
“Pocket protector” devices don’t perform in demanding situations.  Depending on the degree and frequency of use, “pocket protector” devices can become compromised by small holes or tears, leading to failure in the case of a pen-leak emergency.  Some people fail to use the “pocket protector” as directed, as they indicate that it slows down pen retrieval.  The double thickness of protector and cloth can also cause premature wear and tear on pen clips, leading to early pen destruction.
Coverage you’ve only dreamed of.
Coming soon to your place of business.  A downloadable application form will soon be available from this site.  This form will assess the degree of use, population of pens, and prospective risk of applicants for Pocket Insurance.  A quote will be provided to each applicant within 48 hours; our customer service personnel will contact you at the email address you provide.  Please check back soon for further details.